Wed, 15 September 2021
Ever wonder why I tell stories in the talks I give? When someone asks me how I got involved with the future of work, I could give statistics and say, “13% of employees around the world are engaged and I had bad jobs working for other people, and now I'm doing what I'm doing.” Or… I can tell my coffee story where my excitement for being called to the corner office of a CEO was crushed by a cup of Starbucks … Which one do you think has more impact? When you think about great communicators, one thing they all have in common is storytelling. People have been telling stories since the dawn of time. It's why when you were a kid, you wanted your parents to read you a story before bed. It's why your kids now want you to read them a story before a bed. We all love stories. It’s just part of being human. ------------
---------- Now more than ever we need to take a step back to define what it means to be a leader and what great leadership looks like. But this isn’t easy to do. In fact, many business leaders struggle with this. You cannot become and build what you don't define. In the PDF you will get a framework you can follow and also see how some of the world’s top CEOs define leadership. Click here to get the PDF.
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