Future Ready Leadership With Jacob Morgan

Today my guest for the Future of Work Podcast is Alexis Gonzales-Black.  Alexis is the former organizational design lead for Zappos, and is currently the co-founder of Thoughtful Org Partners.  Previously, I spoke with Brian J. Robertson, the creator of the concept of Holacracy.  This concept received fame because of Zappos initiatives around Holacracy.  Alexis is one of the people who helped lead the entire Holacracy transition there.


Alexis was a part if the pilot group at Zappos for Holacracy.  She worked on the implementation team for over 2 years.  Currently, Alexis works with Thoughtful Org, which she co-founded, to help companies explore what the future structure of their organizations look like.  In Holacracy, as an operating system, individuals are not confined to one group or team.  Reaching across the organization for opportunities is available and encouraged. Self-organization can be used as a diversity and inclusiveness tool as well.  Alexis provides great insights to alternative organizational structures. This podcast is a must listen to anyone who wants to learn about alternative organizational structures and how they could work for your company.

What you will learn in this episode

  • What is Holacracy?
  • How Self Organizations Work In the Decision-making Process
  • What Zappos has done with Holacracy and Where They Are Going
  • The Difference between Empowerment and Distributed Authority
  • Holacracy and the New Internal Job Board
  • New Organizational Structures
  • Alternatives to Hierarchy

Link from the episode

Thoughtful Org Partners

(Music by Ronald Jenkees)


Direct download: Alexis_Gonzales_Black_Podcast_DONE.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 8:41am PDT

Today I bring to you a very special Future of Work Podcast.  I speak with Dr. David Bray the Chief Information Officer of the FCC, the Federal Communications Commission.  The FCC is responsible for regulating interstate communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable across all 50 states.  The FCC makes decisions on how industry relates to consumers, whether it be telecommunications, television stations, broadband connections and the internet.  Any wired or wireless device will have a FCC logo on it. Industry standards are provided by the FCC so these devices will not interfere with each other so communication can be done in the United States.  The theme of today’s podcast is how exponential technologies are shaping the future of work. 


Dr. Bray is an Eisenhower Fellow.  Each year the fellowship program sends 9 or 10 exceptional people to two countries of their choosing to meet with industry and government leaders.  David had the opportunity to go to Taiwan and Australia to have conversations with leaders in those countries on how they are getting ready for the internet of everything, as well as, security, privacy and the changing nature of work.  At the FCC, David has lead the transformation from legacy information technology to cloud based and commercial service providers. He speaks on the importance of doing this for all businesses for the future of work. 

What you will learn in this episode


  • What are exponential technologies?
  • Why being a little paranoid in today’s business world is a good thing
  • What is the FCC
  • Why it is important for businesses to move their technologies to the cloud
  • Smart assistants and technologies
  • Robots and automation
  • Organizational structure and the human aspect behind work


Link form the episode

David Bray on Twitter 

(Music by Ronald Jenkees)

Direct download: david.bray_podcast_DONE.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 11:01pm PDT

My guest this week for the Future of Work podcast is Hal Halladay, the Chief People Officer at Infusionsoft.  Infusionsoft is a sales and marketing automation company, specifically focused on small businesses.  They have around 700 employees and are headquartered in Chandler, Arizona.  Infusionsoft stands out for having won many awards being a ‘Best Place to Work’ for different topics such as Women and Millennials, and received numerous awards for all around excellence.  As the Chief People Officer,  Hal speaks on why culture is the greatest competitive advantage in business today.  Hal leads a team that helps design many of the things Infusionsoft is implementing to create a great corporate culture.

Infusionsoft has intentionally tried to create a culture that engages people to do their best work.  The company was founded on the principle that people come first. At Infusionsoft, Hal leads the people operations team.  This team supports business leaders by providing resources they need. These resources include providing talent, training, as well as processes and systems needed to complete tasks.  This is a different approach as operations is not usually paired with HR.   Combining these departments enables more of these tasks to be provided with a service aspect toward the business leaders in the company, as well as, remove any negative connotations with the title Human Resources.  Infusionsoft made the decision on what their company culture was going to be, they didn’t just let it happen.  Having employees who are doing the work they love, engaged, and inspired, produces better work, which in turn, means happy customers.

What you will learn in this episode

Why Culture Is So important

What is a Dream Manager?

Flexible Work and the Freelancer Economy

Millennials and Culture

What is Native Genius?

How Can an Organization Choose Their Corporate Culture?

Building a Culture of Care and Connectiveness

How to Know Your Company’s Culture is Working

Links from the episode


(Music by Ronald Jenkees)

Direct download: Hal_Halladay_DONE.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 9:13pm PDT

What this episode is about and why you should care

My guest this week for the Future of Work Podcast is Dr. J.R. Reagan, the Global Chief Information Security Officer at Deloitte.  We speak on the importance of being social inside and outside of a company.  While Dr. Regan’s title alludes that he would not advocate for being social outside of a company, this is not the case.  There are advantages to using multiple types of social media that can benefit a company and individual employees.  While there are many traditional ways of completing tasks, working and doing the same tasks just because of tradition is not the most beneficial.  Using internal social tools can assist in modernizing an organization and connecting with the emerging workforce. 

At Deloitte, Dr. Regan’s responsibilities are to protect the firm’s information across more than 150 countries, inside and outside of the company, for over 210,000 people.  Dr. Regan reflects on the previous notion that being social at work is taboo, and would cause employees to become unproductive.  Today, social assists in spreading ideas, and flattens our world. Many social platforms have become standard business tools. Dr. Regan highlights how using some of the social media platforms internally can be used as new communication devices in an organization.  Using social media platforms externally, can bring networking opportunities and even help save time when communicating in our personal lives.  Being social is now becoming a natural part of daily lives and embracing it, brings many benefits for our careers and the future of work.


What you will learn in this episode

  • How Can People Be Social Inside a Company
  • How Can People be Social Outside of a Company
  • What It Means To Be Social
  • The Benefits of Being Social
  • The Role of Innovation and Social
  • How to Become Social


Link from the episode


(Music by Ronald Jenkees)

Direct download: dr_reagan_podcast_DONE.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 8:58pm PDT