Thu, 11 May 2023
In today’s Leadership Spark, Marshall Goldsmith, renowned executive coach and author, discusses the evolving stereotype of leaders and the issue with traditional employee engagement surveys. He suggests using active questions to encourage personal responsibility for engagement and meaning at work. Marshall emphasizes the importance of balance and accountability, where everyone plays a role. He also shares a story of two flight attendants demonstrating the power of internal mindset in creating positivity. _____________________ Get ad-free listening, early access to new episodes, and bonus episodes with the subscription version of the show The Great Leadership with Jacob Morgan Plus. It’s only available on Apple Podcasts for $4.99/month or $49.99/year--less than a cup of coffee!
Direct download: The_Evolution_of_Leadership_Stereotypes_with_Executive_Coach_Marshall_Goldsmith.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 12:38am PST |